
Monday, September 8, 2014

Team Work

I wanted to write a little bit about how and why teams are so successful with It Works! This is a team driven business and without it, there would be no promotions, no bonuses, no conferences to attend, no Facebook groups to encourage one another, there would be no It Works Global. IWG makes it so easy to succeed if you truly want to.

When someone approaches me about becoming a distributor on my team, one of the first things that I tell them is that I am not successful, unless they are successful. We build our businesses upon one another so for me to promote, I need my team to promote. No one is left in the dark to fend for themselves at any time, for I would only be setting myself up for failure. I was so confused when I first joined this company because there was so much information and I didn't know where to begin so I wanted to shed some light on how promotions happen in this company.

When someone first begins, they start out as a distributor and their very first promotion will be to an Executive and this will be achieved when you have two people sign up as distributors under you and they have 400 GV  (GV stands for group volume- a number that is associated with sales). The chart below is an example of how easy it is to promote to Executive.

The next promotion that would be met is to Ruby. You will just build to Ruby off of your original Executive chart by adding a few more distributors to your team. Below is an example of how simple it is to promote to Ruby.

Next stop- Emerald! Once you have promoted to Ruby, you will then begin to fill out your Emerald chart! Are you starting to see the domino-effect in how once you start building your chart, the rest just falls into place?

Ready for a leadership level? Diamond is the next stop after Emerald and will get you a spot on the leadership team! If you looked at a blank diamond chart, you might be very overwhelmed at filling in all of those blank boxes, but when you look at it like this, you will notice that some of these people you will not even know personally! Person X knows person Y who knows person Z and next thing you know, you are moving up the ranks!

*double diamond, triple diamond, presidential diamond, and ambassador diamond follow diamond level.

Now does it make sense when I say that I'm not successful unless you're successful? My sister, Ann, was the first distributor that I signed up and she was my emerald in my diamond chart and is my diamond in my double diamond chart. I never sign up a distributor and expect them to do this solo- that is not how it works. This is all about teamwork and that is what we stand for!

I hope that helps to explain how one would get to diamond level and how simple it really can be! Feel free to ask questions and I'll do my best to answer them!

Peace and Love,


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